Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's Too Damn Hot...

I am stuck inside my house, with the A/C pumping and fans on in every room. The kids are gated in their playroom. Hubby is engrossed in a new book. Even as I watch the "Real Housewives of OC Reunion" for the 15th time, sweat beads are forming on my upper lip. According to my computer, it is 103 outside. Really?? So, instead of sitting here and eating more Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream (with whipped cream), I figured I would finally do something I have put off for years...start a new blog.

Back when my daughter (P) was born, I created a blog about her life. It was a way to share her milestones and adventures with family and friends. Everyone loved it. It was written from her point of view and was totally adorable, I have to admit. As life got busier, the blog suffered. Once Little Man arrived, the blog totally went by the wayside.

With Facebook, blogging became unnecessary. I could post photos instantly from my phone. I could make comments on my state of mind via my status update. Why did I need to blog?

Recently I have felt a void in my life. I used to write all of the time. I majored in English and minored in journalism. I worked for several local newspapers and one regional magazine. That desire to write was always satisfied. However, the opportunities to write dried up the longer I stayed out of the journalism field. Now, the most I write is an email to my friend in Connecticut. And by "email", I mean Facebook message.

During the past 6 months, I have been writing blog posts in my head. Obviously it is time to start my own blog...not one focused on potty training and paci-weaning. One where I can be honest, where I can cuss, where I can talk about "adult" things.

One of the reasons I was hesitant to start a blog was because it seemed so narcissistic. Who the hell would want to read about MY life? I am a 36-year-old high school English teacher with a middle class house, 2 kids, and a hubby. But then I realized that the things I am thinking, are often the same things other people are thinking. And what an awesome way to relieve stress as well as satisfy that need to write. Let's face it, I am not moving to NYC to work on a glossy magazine and live the glamorous Manhattan life. I am where I am and not much is going to change (more on that later).

I can't say for sure where this blog will go. I have a feeling it will be a hodgepodge of the following topics: kids, traveling, work, TV shows, celebrities, bitching, and my Starbucks trips. Some days may be serious; some days may be very inane. Kind of like my own brain. Perhaps I should've titled it Brain Dump.

Speaking of titles...why did I name this blog what I did? Frankly, I am a total Starbucks addict. It is a little crazy. I think I have gone without a Starbucks only 2 days out of the last 365. My first drink order (pre-Little Man) was a venti, 10-pump, no water chai. During pregnancy, I got hot chocolate or banana chocolate smoothies. Post-Little Man, I am now into venti, no water, vanilla chais with extra vanilla. Every once in a while I switch it up with a caramel mocha or a caramel mocha frap. See? I am insane about Starbucks but my palate is limited. When we travel, I use my favorite app to find the closest Starbucks. We've made quite a few detours to find a Starbucks while on the road. I collect the mugs and I am trying to get up the nerve to ask a barista to order me a lanyard from their employee website. Nuts.

If you continue to follow this blog (and if I continue to post), you'll find out that I am nuts in more ways than just being a Starbucks addict. But it's a fun kind of nuts...I think.

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