Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chloe + Isabel

I couldn't resist. I love jewelry. Sadly, I rarely buy anything for myself because I feel too guilty.

Then I started seeing ads on Facebook for a company called Chloe + Isabel. I was intrigued. Funny enough, it was the logo that attracted me in the beginning. It was classic, modern, and fun. (Marketing peeps: logos matter. Just an FYI.)

Honestly, I had already almost invested in the more popular brand of Stella & Dot. But when I went to look at their inventory, I wasn't madly in love with a lot of the pieces. I also felt that the company focused more on recruiting "stylists" than selling their jewelry. I wasn't that interested in becoming part of building the "sorority".  

Chloe + Isabel was different. I absolutely LOVED so much of their stuff. I also liked that they have a lifetime guarantee AND a 30-day money back guarantee. They are young -- only about 4 years old -- but I liked that as well. It's exciting to be a part of something fresh. And Ashton Kutcher is an investor....how can you beat that???

I caved and signed up. A week later (and $182 poorer), I received my box of business materials and samples. I was so excited to open it....seriously, better than Christmas. It seemed like there was just package after glorious package. Being a catalog whore, I almost loved the lookbook more than the jewelry. It was just so....pretty.

I am usually super-picky when it comes to my personal style. From clothes to jewelry to shoes to make-up, I can be annoyingly peculiar. Therefore, I wasn't expecting to like 90% of what I received. Guess what? I loved 99% of what came in that big box! (There was some weird rope bracelet thing that I don't even know how to put on.....).

Needless to say, I am totally chloe + isabel obsessed. The earrings I am wearing today have weight to them, making them feel much more expensive than they are. And today's bracelet? Stunning.

Let me know if you want me to host a fun pop-up shop at your home or office. It's about more than just jewelry! If you would rather just check out our items, shop my boutique: https://www.chloeandisabel.com/boutique/kelleycole?time=2

Join the chloe + isabel obsession!

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